The Wisdom Of The Chakras

“Straight out: This is the best book on the chakras that I have read.”
Gregory Shaw, author of Theurgy and the Soul: the Neoplatonism of Iamblichus

I began my study of the chakra system through observation, and I avoided reading books on the subject. I looked and learned everywhere. Whenever I saw people, I also saw the seven energy centers emanating from them. I gathered knowledge from my clairvoyance and from my guides from the spiritual realm that is contained in “The Chakra Book.” This book shows how the chakra system functions in everyday life, how our thoughts, words, and actions affect this system, and how the chakras shape us. It also provides practical tools that are easily integrated into daily life to heal each chakra and so attain the alignment that is the basis of a healthy and, I believe a spiritual life.

Visit Amazon Or, visit an independent bookseller near you. The book is also available in French.


“Ellen Tadd has given us hands down the best information I’ve ever read about chakras. I have never seen her approach to understanding these energy centers, and I am blown away by her description of their function and how they impact our day-to-day living. She is clear, matter-of-fact, easily understood, and offers practical insights to move into a healthy balance. She truly understands human behavior.” Lorna Goodman

“I have been a fan of Ellen Tadd for a few years. I’ve read this book twice through, with many underlined passages and tabbed pages! It will remain on my bedside table to read over and over again. There is so much wisdom and practical advice, in simple and easy to understand language. The wisdom of the chakra system makes so much sense now and Ellen’s explanations and guidance are perfect. Thank you for this life changing book!” Beauty Junkie

“Tadd writes with such casual clarity, reading her book felt as was if we’d gone on a road trip together. I didn’t realize how exhausted I was getting from treading spiritual waters without feeling signs of growth until I read her book and experienced her subtle re-direction. I’m excited, re-energized and filled with hope and optimism – and know what I’ll be giving friends and relatives for their birthdays! Thank you Ellen Tadd. Jasper


Some people are extremely bright yet emotionally crippled, others are very loving yet their daily lives are chaotic. Many have great faith but very little clarity, while others are creative but stymied by a lack of confidence. Why are people so lopsided in their development? Why do some of us feel love but find ourselves unable to express it? Why do some of us commit ourselves to an endeavor “from the heart” but again and again wind up disenchanted? Why do some of us feel confident and powerful within ourselves but become frightened when we try to realize our potential? What is the reason for such contradictions? I had the feeling that the answers might lie in the chakra system.”