Community in a Time of Need

Community in a Time of Need

Our situation requires us to be flexible and work together for the common good. The current coronavirus is reminding us that we are all interconnected and that we all need to rely on each other to survive and acquire basics of life, food, health care, and social connection.  

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Body-Mind Connection

Body-Mind Connection

The mind-body connection is real. However, there is also a body-mind connection. The health or lack of health of our body also affects our emotional well being. Many years ago, I had a client whose daughter was diagnosed with severe anxiety. She was put on medication to calm her down, even though she was only in elementary school. I knew that her family lived in an area where Lyme disease was an epidemic. So, I suggested to the mother that a Lyne disease test would be wise. The girl’s Western Blot test came back definitively positive. Not surprisingly, once she was taken off anxiety medication and treated successfully for the Lyme disease, her anxiety stopped.

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Everyone Should Know About The Tomatis Method

Everyone Should Know About The Tomatis Method

Tomatis observed that children who had learning disabilities often sung off-key. When he began using his electronic ear to help children improve their singing, simultaneously, their learning issues would improve or resolve.

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Living in the Moment is Problematic

Living in the Moment is Problematic

Our individual and collective history is rich with knowledge and lessons. Understanding the past can help us to not repeat mistakes. Holding a vision for the future can help us to stay the course during the ups and downs on the way to manifesting our aspirations.

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Children Are Individuals On Their Own Life’s Path

Children Are Individuals On Their Own Life’s Path

“Your children are not your children.  They are the sons and daughters of Life’s  longing for itself.  They come through you but not from you,  And though they are with you yet they  belong not to you.”  - Kahlil Gibran When my two children were small, they each had...

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Generalizations Do Not Serve US

Generalizations Do Not Serve US

For over forty years my spiritual teachers have been remarkable individuals residing in the spiritual realms. Through my clairvoyance and clairaudience, I have been able to see and converse with these extraordinary beings. When they first started to teach me, every time I spoke in a generalization I was corrected until I started to become self-observing and self-correcting.

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Minding Our Words

Minding Our Words

Words can heal, words can harm, words can motivate, words can discourage, impacting the quality of all our relationships.

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Helping Hands of Light

Helping Hands of Light

Last week I was driving to an important meeting while feeling some distress because I just didn't feel physically well. I decided to pull into a parking lot for a short meditation. In the stillness of my mind, I asked for help. I reached out to my spiritual guidance...

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Depth is a Doorway

Depth is a Doorway

My guides have said through the years, “Depth is a doorway to accessing direct spiritual connection.” Whether that connection is with one’s own spirit, spiritual guides, or the experience of oneness. Depth is the ability to experience any aspect of life beneath the...

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Rules for Living: Attunement, Attunement, Attunement

Rules for Living: Attunement, Attunement, Attunement

In the midst of challenging times I go back to a statement from my guides, “Attunement is the only rule.” What they mean by this is that whether we are in a difficult time or a time of smooth sailing, aligning our conscious mind with our spiritual essence through deep...

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Everything in Variation

Everything in Variation

Generalizations are inaccurate, unclear, and lead to confused attitudes and actions. When my guides first trained me, every time I spoke in a generalization I was corrected until I started to be self-observing and self-correcting. Since then I’ve learned to pay very...

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The Armor of Positivity

The Armor of Positivity

My guides say positivity is our greatest protection. How do we stay in true positivity in the midst of great difficulty without getting caught in either discouragement or avoidance? First of all, it is important to understand the difference between a desire and an...

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Life Through the Lens of Karma

Life Through the Lens of Karma

In traditional psychology, what influences human behavior is nature and nurture or in other words genetics and environment. Because our parents give us our genetics and most often our early environment, if we don’t like our conduct or quality of experience it really...

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Refreshed Motivation For The New Year

Through the years my spiritual guides have emphasized that every minute, hour, and day are filled with newness, the opportunity to begin again is abundant. Just like the awareness that a person never steps in the same river twice, because the river has changed and the...

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Dial a Deity this Christmas

I teach a class about spiritual masters that I used to call “Dial a Deity” - back when we all used dial phones. The concept is that we can all connect with spiritual masters just through focusing on them, and repeating their names; after all, they make the rounds and...

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Slowing Down into Expansion

What do you do when you feel discouraged? Did you know that discouragement closes your crown chakra causing you to feel disconnected from others and spiritual access and expansion? I have found that slowing down and becoming really present is an antidote to...

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Internal Balance: To Act and Wait with Equal Measure.

Every person has an internal male and female part. The male aspect is directive, extroverted, and strong, while the female part is receptive, introverted, and sensitive. My guides define balance as a state of being both sensitive and strong, able to act and able to...

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The Constancy of Change

One of my favorite children’s books is called Fortunately by Remy Charlip. It’s about a series of events that happens to a boy named Ned. Fortunately illustrates that every life circumstance leads to the next, what may appear unfortunate leads to something that is...

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Make Decisions from Clarity, not Fear

Very early on in the training with my spiritual guides, I was told to pay attention to whether I was making decisions from fear or clarity. They pointed out that when the fear of having something negative occur motivates action, then emotional reactions often get in...

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Send Gold Light

When I feel like there is nothing I can do to make a difficult situation better I send gold light. I first learned about the power of gold light when my daughter was a colicky baby. At that point I didn’t understand that what I was eating was causing her pain. But I...

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Staying Positive in the Midst of the Negative

The election of Donald Trump feels like a punch to the gut, leaving an energetic dark shroud over our country: this darkness is palpable. What is darkness? Energetically darkness is generated by negative attitudes and actions, containing hate, fear, selfishness. Some...

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Focus, Listen, and Vote

It’s so amazing to me that people could be undecided about who they will vote for in this presidential election. Or that the presence of a candidate could sway a voter to change their mind. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton could not be more different. The fickle...

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Spiritual Devotion

Spiritual devotion can stem from the belief that we are not just human, but spiritual entities having come to the earth with a purpose and a plan. Not the plan of getting everything we want, but rather a deeper purpose. A purpose containing individual contribution and...

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Don’t Rely on the Opinions of Others

How do we know if we are good, smart, lovable, or successful? Too often people rely on external measures to determine their value. Teachers evaluate our intelligence, parents affect whether we receive loving responses to our character at an early age, and our culture...

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Guidance Comes to All of Us

Guidance can come in many forms. Sometimes a book falling off a shelf with a title that gives you a message. Sometimes you walk by two people having a conversation and you overhear them saying something you need to know. Sometimes a message from a dream wakes you up...

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Knock on the Door

Everyone can have direct contact with spiritual guides residing in the etheric realm. One way to develop a relationship with a guide is simply assume you can and start communicating. Asking and listening is the way. The asking can be either in thought or words and the...

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Take Time for Joy

Last night I attended a birthday party for a friend with a 1920’s theme. Everyone dressed in the attire of that period just for fun and celebration. The music was fantastic! The experience reminded me that we have come to the earth not only to learn and contribute but...

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The Body is the Temple of the Spirit

When our bodies are not feeling well, it can be more difficult to feel the expansion of our spirit’s nature. It has been said many times that the body is the temple of the spirit: therefore it stands to reason that we must take good care of our bodies, so we can bask...

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Discernment Through Stillness

I’ve been black and white, Christian and Muslim, male and female, rich and poor and most all other possibilities too. And I’m not the only one, we reincarnate into a variety of circumstances to learn about diversity in the midst of universal oneness. For example, It’s...

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Bring Your Best Self to Life

It seems all too easy to get afraid or discouraged about the the state of our world. Whether it’s the pollution of our rivers and oceans, terrorist attacks, our broken political system, or concerns around the health of children, on and on and on. My guides told me...

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Be Yourself and Serve

Everything—a cup, a book, a shirt—is brimming with energy. These things may look solid, but we know that they are energy in motion. Many years ago I was guided to meditate on a cup. I was told to project my consciousness into the cup and dialogue with it. I projected...

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We Are Here to Learn

It can be extremely helpful to realize that past experiences that bring up regret are often part of our life lesson plan and are linked to healing past life issues and patterns. Here are some examples: a relationship where you have been mistreated, perhaps in many...

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Be Influential Rather Than Affected

If we are in emotional balance and then we come into contact with someone who isn’t, perhaps a family member who is angry or a co-worker who is in turmoil, and if we react, we lose our emotional well-being and become trapped in our reaction. No matter how justified we...

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Remember We Are Spirit

When we forget that our true identity is Spirit the ramifications are enormous. The seed of inadequacy stems from overlooking this fact and the consequences of this emotion can range from greatly diminishing involvement with life, to becoming aggressive to prove...

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Communication is Key

It’s not uncommon for people to give what they want to receive, because we often perceive through the lens of our own experiences. However, if you want to truly understand another or give what is happily received, either you need to project your consciousness into...

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Giving Feedback in Close Relationships

To be intimate with someone, whether a lover, a friend, a spouse, or child, is to be close. When we are close in a relationship, we get to see the details of a person’s attitudes and behaviors: both their strengths and weaknesses. In our more casual relationships,...

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Working Through Fear

Unfortunately fear is a prevalent and unpleasant emotion, caused by the belief and reaction that a situation or outcome could jeopardize our wants and wishes, safety, and wellbeing. We don’t all have the same priorities or attachments, but the fear of loss of whatever...

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The Power of Focus and Discipline

I recently read an article by David Brooks about Ernest Hemingway. As I read the article, I thought to myself, Hemingway was a dramatic flip flopper. Solar plexus living, third eye writing, solar plexus living, third eye writing. He demonstrated extremes, profound and...

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Love Is a Force Within and Around Us

Imagine feeling love in your heart for the people you find most annoying. The feeling of love, spiritually speaking, is an inner state rather than an outer reaction. My guides say: love is a force that is in us and all around us. It is warm and unifying and makes us...

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Defining the Expectations Within a Relationship

Too often the expectations of behavior in a job are more defined and articulated than the expectations of a personal relationship. This is not to say that people don’t have assumptions and hopes for their personal relationships, but rather they are not often clearly...

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Embrace Discipline

When my guides first started working with me they said, “If you don’t get disciplined, we will not work with you!” At that point, the word discipline felt troubling and restrictive. My education and upbringing had lot of creativity, spontaneity, and freedom. My guides...

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All of Us Are Smarter Than Any One of Us

My friend Ken Blanchard has a saying, “All of us are smarter than any one of us.” We work in teams, whether that group is our family, our co-workers, or our community. If we want to accomplish anything significant we can’t do it alone. Therefore it is important to...

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Emotional Hurt is a Reaction to Circumstance

All emotional hurts are self-imposed. If we have an emotional hurt it’s because of our attitude. This doesn’t mean that someone hasn’t treated you inappropriately or hasn’t been unkind. Our emotional hurts are our reaction to a circumstance and not the circumstance...

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Avoid Generalizations

It’s all too easy for people to speak in generalizations. Through the years my guides have emphasized that I should notice the difference between what is universal and what is unique. A concept that is universal is always applicable, to all people and in all...

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I Must Constantly Use Deep Focus

Lately I have been feeling like walking through my daily life is like walking through a field with land mines. I am constantly using my deep focus to look carefully at details to determine my next step. Let me give you some examples: Does the sofa I want to buy have...

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Decide With Your Third Eye

I recently read an interesting article in the New York Times by Thomas L. Friedman. He said, “Most voters do not listen through their ears. They listen through their stomachs. If a leader can connect with them on a gut level, their response is: “Don’t bother me with...

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We Are Always Influential

Once when I was feeling like “a stranger in a strange land” a guide came to me and said, “What do you do if you love tennis, but find yourself on another planet, where no one knows how to play tennis? You teach.” Teaching can take many forms. Of course it can mean...

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Staring Can Bring Clarity

Staring is the key to developing clairvoyance. Deep focus and looking fixedly starts to blur the physical world, while revealing the energetic world, as well as what lies beneath appearances. Staring into a fire can bring clarity or visions, or staring into a palm, or...

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The Power of Devotion

When our crown chakra closes because of discouragement or worry, we feel isolation and unhappiness. The aura contracts and depression becomes quite literal. The experience of devotion, a loyalty or enthusiasm for a person, animal, activity or cause is one of the keys...

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Be in Positive Expectancy

Miracles do happen. The manifestation of money or a needed material thing. The healing of a disease or a physical malady of one kind or another. An unexpected path that opens up and changes every aspect of daily life. A guide once said, “Be in positive expectancy!” We...

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Service is Essential

In a world where the focus is often on individual needs and desires, service frequently isn’t emphasized enough as an important part of personal fulfillment and purpose. Because we are Spirit, interconnected, and all part of the same oneness, service is an essential...

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The Consciousness of Interconnection

How do we teach children to stay inspired by their own interests, while simultaneously being concerned about the well being of others? By teaching interconnection. Nature and our environmental concerns are powerful and effective topics for instructing children that we...

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Feel Peace through Acceptance

Acceptance is one of the most important spiritual principles. Without acceptance we simply won’t have peace. Being immersed in the feeling of acceptance always feels like a vacation. Try a couple of affirmations, repeated a number of times, so you can see what I mean....

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Minimizing Exposure to Toxic Chemicals

When we’re having a hard time it’s always a good idea to focus on basic disciplines to regain emotional and physical stability. The disciplines of the body, mind, and Spirit. In this process, let’s not overlook the importance of minimizing our exposure to pesticides...

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Spirit is the Only Constant

The line between being in the body and out of the body is a fine one. There is no ultimate safety in the body. It's an illusion. Spirit is the only constant. Everything else changes. When we experience ourselves as Spirit, we touch the part of us that actually is...

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Send Positivity and Light

Any religious fundamentalism develops when a particular religious group feels threatened. In order to understand the behavior of others, it’s essential to grasp the present in a historical context. I highly recommend the book, “Leap of Faith: Memoirs of an Unexpected...

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Review Your Day to Break Bad Habits

How do we break the habits of holding back or pushing? When my guides first started working with me, they had me review my day each evening with the intention of correcting in my mind my thoughts, words, feelings, and actions that were not ideal. If I was involved in...

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Meditate to Let Go of Self-Doubt

Self-doubt can cause a lot of inner turmoil, whether our uncertainty is about our behavior, perceptions, or a decision. This morning I was experiencing some self-doubt. So I sat in meditation and focused, asking for clarity about my situation. It wasn’t long before I...

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Emotional Reactions as a Wake-Up Call

Frustration is anger with the volume turned down. Whether we feel frustration, grief, anger, or sadness, all these emotions are reactions to situations not being as we want them to be. No matter how justified, emotional reactions are hard on us. I have been trained to...

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Viewing Events Through the Lens of Interconnected Evolution

We have a cultural pattern of thinking that situations are good or bad, right or wrong. My guide says, this approach to our lives creates emotional swings, being excited, and then becoming disappointed. “Oh boy, I’m going to get what I want!” to “Oh no, I’m not going...

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Avoid Confusion by Staying in your Third Eye

The crown chakra is the center of devotion and it is the bridge to the spiritual dimensions. It is through the crown chakra that revelation, profound inspiration, and the ability to heal with the God force is possible. However, it is not unusual for people who are...

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Finding the Balance Between Receptive and Directive

We all have a male and female part within us, yin and yang, both a receptive and directive principle. However, we live in cultures that value being directive above being receptive and yet the interplay between these two principles constitutes balance. As individuals,...

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Anxiety Can Be a Teacher

Anxiety is a lack of inner calm brought on by fear. My guides say that anxiety is a message that we need to pay attention to. It is our teacher asking us to address issues. It could be calling for an attitude change, the need to take action, or perhaps both....

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Find Security in Cultivating a Spiritual Perspective

What causes insecurity? Insecurity is another way of saying, I feel afraid. I don’t feel stable. I don’t feel confident. Our insecurities can vary, of course, depending on our first errors. What triggers us to feel insecure is not the same. If we want to feel some...

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Astrology as a Tool for Parenting

Few relationships are more significant, complicated, and ongoing than parent and child. From the first day, the parent-child dynamic is a two-way street of learning and teaching. One of the challenges in communicating about parenting or the parent-child dynamic is that relationships are nuanced. As a result, any universal swathing of theory is doomed to fail. Astrology as a tool for parenting is a remarkable way to understanding the uniqueness of each child and comprehending this parent-child dynamic.

Here is an example: A client came to me last year because her then 11-year old son was battling her every night about avoiding homework. In addition to this being frustrating and exhausting for both of them, it was significantly impacting his learning and grades. In speaking with my client and in looking at her son’s astrology chart, I saw clearly that part of the issue was the physical environment where her son was trying to do his homework: the kitchen table. Now this can be a perfectly suitable environment for some children to study, but not for him. This boy was born when the planet Mercury was in Taurus. Read more…

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The Practical Side of Spirit

Our inner Spirit knows we need to pay the bills. Listening for guidance from our spiritual essence is quite practical as well as profound. Not only does our Spirit want us to learn our karmic lessons, but it also has the wisdom to understand our basic daily needs....

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Find Clarity through Deep Focus

Religions espouse a combination of accuracy and distortion, cultural conditioning contains confusion and correctness, and all the experts disagree. My guides say, “Don’t conform and don’t rebel, but rather attune to each situation." It is our job and responsibility to...

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The Power of Being Spirit

One negative byproduct of people forgetting that they are essentially Spirit is the confused desire to want power over others in order to feel greatness. The yearning for power as a way to compensate for spiritual disconnection feeds many of our human imbalances, such...

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Spiritual Attunement Around Money

Money is important in our world. It is with money that we acquire the basics of survival, material splurges and extra pleasures, as well as the freedom to have options and choice. Certainly money doesn’t buy love or the quality of our inner life, but it can be...

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Shed the Load and Simplify

“Shedding the load” is a phrase that pilots use to describe what to do when in a difficult situation. In other words, simplify. This is great advice for all of us. When our lives are stressful it is often because we have expanded our activities or expectations beyond...

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Honesty as Attunement

In the spiritual world telepathy is the mode of communication. All thoughts are known. Imagine this to be true in our daily life: honesty would rule, no one could manipulate or present themselves other than they are. Our culture would benefit from remembering that...

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Competition Contradicts Oneness

How is it possible to compete with others and at the same time want the best for them? Competition is a contradiction to a oneness perspective. From a oneness perspective we each have our role to play, our instrument in the orchestra of life. Together we form the...

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Discipline is Fundamental for Self-Esteem

When my guides first started working with me they said, “If you don’t get disciplined we won’t work with you.” I didn’t learn good discipline as a child. My father who raised me was a self-made man, and seemed to think that people could and should teach themselves...

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Keep Appreciation in the Forefront of Your Mind

Inspiration is one of the great tools for experiencing happiness. It can be really helpful to ask, “What inspires me and how do I incorporate inspiration into daily life?” We each have our list of things, places, people, and ideas that bring us inspiration. But what I...

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Embodying Balance is Key

To me the symbol of the cross is a symbol for balance rather that a symbol for Christianity. The vertical line represents the directive principle, the horizontal line represents the receptive principle. My guides say, the cross is the symbol of the enlightened...

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Chakras as a Framework for Growth

The chakra system is a framework for human growth and development. We all are born with large heads and undeveloped legs. This is a reflection of the fact that we all come into the world with open crown chakras and undeveloped base chakras. As we age, well-being is...

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Train Your Mind to Concentrate

Most of us have been taught to contemplate or reflect by moving from one thought to the next, but few of us have been trained to hold our minds still while focused on a single image or concept for a sustained period of time without interruption. And yet focus and...

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Compassion Is the Pinnacle Principle

My guides say that compassion is the pinnacle principle. From a compassionate state we recognize that everyone has a story, even the annoying telemarketer on the other end of the phone, the person in the grocery story line who has too many items for the express line,...

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Advocate for Our Children This Mother’s Day

Today is Mother’s Day. I have read that originally Mother’s Day was created as a day for mothers to unite against war. The idea of giving heart and soul to the raising of one’s son and then sending him off to war seemed intolerable for Julia Ward Howe, the first...

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You Can Read Anything

I once taught a workshop called “You Can Read Anything.” In the workshop I had people walking around in each other’s shoes, listening deeply to each other’s voices, and holding a ring or watch in order to interpret each other’s emotional state. Every thought, word, or...

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Meditate to Break from Preconceived Notions

Our cultural conditioning has a huge impact on how we perceive, feel, and behave. Through our conditioning we are taught what to focus on and what to prioritize, whether appropriate or not. Because what we focus on is what we notice, these preconceived notions have a...

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Find Security From Inside

A guide once said, “As your world situation worsens no one will be able to ride the fence: people will fall to the side of fear, or the side of a spiritual perspective.” As it becomes more and more apparent that our world is fundamentally unstable, then it becomes...

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People See Through the Lens of Their Own Issues

My guides say, ”People see through the lens of their own issues.” So don’t be surprised if you are not understood. It is best to find emotional security through meditation rather than looking for validation from others. In this way we can allow learning to happen in...

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Trust is a Key to Happiness

Trust is a key to happiness. Trust opens the crown chakra and gives us feelings of expansion and connection. The important question is, “What can we trust?” We can’t trust that we will always be safe or that we will always get what we want or that we will always be...

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We Are All Interconnected

Once a guide said, “Any important work is a group effort.” Ken Blanchard has said, “All of us are smarter than anyone of us.” We are all interconnected and team work is a manifestation of this truth. When Ben Affleck accepted the academy award for Argo in the best...

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Let Go of Distractions

“Put on your horse blinders and walk your path.” A guide said this to me many years ago as a way of saying, don’t get distracted. There are so many kinds of distractions, other people’s emotions and behaviors, media, a tremendous amount to read, watch, and do....

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Keep Your Heart Chakra Healthy

The heart chakra is located in the middle of the chest. When this chakra is functioning well, we feel and express love appropriately, appreciate the gift of life, have appropriate generosity, the ability and motivation to walk through our fears, and truly want the...

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Our Past Life Stories

Our souls contain our past life stories. These previous incarnations have a huge impact in shaping why our life is as it is now. It is possible to stimulate these memories in order to rememberer our individual history down through the ages. One technique that is...

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Help from the Spiritual Realm

Most people are in contact with spirit guides whether they are aware of this fact or not. Here are some examples: You are in the shower enjoying the wonderful sensation of warm water pouring over you head, when all of a sudden an insight flashes helping you to solve a...

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What Have You Come Here to Do?

It’s common for children to be asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” From a spiritual perspective that question would be reframed to be, “Why have you come to the earth, what have you come to do?” Imagine a world where children are taught very...

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Surrender Into Acceptance

Surrender is one of my favorite words in the English language. Because there are some situations where we have no control. Like the blizzard outside my window. I have found through the years when I can’t quite feel an acceptance of how things are, saying the word...

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Become a Positive Influence

It can be easier to be genuinely one’s self in the midst of a supportive environment, while more challenging if relating to confused people. But either way it is our attainment, and our fulfillment to master being our true nature whether or not we are reassured and...

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We Are Never Truly Isolated

We are never truly isolated. The air around us may appear empty, but even scientifically we know that it is full of vibrations and frequencies. Including the energy of our thoughts and feelings, as well as the thoughts and feelings of others. Plus other dimensions are...

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Avoidance Is Not A Solution

Avoidance is a major problem in our world, leading to a lack of honesty and integrity. Most people have a tremendous attachment to results and what they want. Attachment is desire mixed up with fear. If we put our head in the sand - will unpleasant truths go away? No...

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Find Your Wholeness in Relationships

Relationships are an important part of life. Our families, friends, co-workers, intimates: our relationships are woven through the fabric of our lives. My guides stress that a key to happy and healthy relationships is to feel one’s individual wholeness. From wholeness...

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Achieving Sustained Meditation

Here is my little write up about mediation - so you can get started. I use an X to symbolize the process of learning to meditate. The bottom part of the X is everyday thought or brain chatter. The point in the center is stillness. The upper part of the X is...

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Understanding your Past Lives

Why is it that one person stands out in a crowd? Why is it when we meet someone for the first time, we feel we already know them? Or why do we get stuck in a relationship that isn’t working, but somehow we can’t quite extricate ourselves from it? These are all likely...

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Listen to the Message, not the Messenger

We live in a culture that is enamored with identity. It’s not uncommon for someone who has become famous for one reason, then to become popular for another, even if their talent is lacking. When I first started to communicate with my guides, I asked them to identity...

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Focus and Feel Expansion

If you walk into a gathering, it is very easy to absorb the mood and emotional state of the crowd. But if you remember that the not so visible spiritual realm is part of your environment as well, you will feel protected and supported by the positivity of guides and...

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The Virgin of Guadalupe

When I lived in Mexico, a very Catholic country, almost 40 years ago, I was surprised to learn that Mother Mary was worshiped more intensely than Jesus. This I discovered was because of The Virgin of Guadalupe. In 1531 Mother Mary appeared to an Indian peasant, at...

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Battling Environmental Toxins

Many people have heard the frog story - you put a frog in boiling water and it jumps out, but if you put a frog in cold water and turn up the heat slowly it doesn’t jump out of the water. This is a cautionary tale and a good analogy for our current situation. I...

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We Are All Responsible for Our Own Lives

We are all responsible for our own lives. A guide once said to me, “No matter whether you get a message from a drunk in the street or a master in etheric form that appears before you - take what they say into yourself for final confirmation. For this is your life and...

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Deeper Listening Through Meditation

A positive byproduct of being a meditator is the skill of becoming a good listener. When we learn to turn off our brain chatter at will, then when we are having a conversation with another person we can really listen deeply to what they have to say. Too often in a...

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Actualize Your Best

Life is over and under and up and down. No matter how hard we try we can’t hammer it flat, we can’t control what goes on around us, or make others behave the way we want them to. However, if we bring our best selves to the moment we can experience an internal...

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The Power of Meditation

It can be hard to describe to a non-meditator how powerful and astonishing meditation can be. Words just don’t do it justice. Last night when I meditated I experienced bliss. The best I can do to describe bliss with words is to say it is the experience of oneness, the...

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Understanding Cosmic Timing

Some people in spiritually oriented circles say that time does not exist, that it is an illusion. My perspective on time is that it definitely is a part of our day to day life here on earth, but there are realms in the spiritual world where there is no time. My guides...

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Learn Through Repetition

My guides say that learning is a lot like filling a glass with water. One experience fills the glass with a little water. The next experience brings the water level up some more. Gradually the glass becomes full - when it reaches the top, that is when we have the aha...

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The Power of Our Environment

I recently purchased a new bed and was amazed how one simple change can be so significant. Comfort and a good nights sleep makes everything easier and more enjoyable. This inspired me to meditate on the power of our home environment to support our well being or the converse, pull us down.

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The Color of Attitudes

Many years ago I had a clairvoyant experience that lasted two weeks. During that period I was able to see colored light coming out of people’s mouths whenever they spoke. My guides explained that this experience was to teach me that the words people use do not tell...

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We Are All Creators

Many years ago, I remember putting my fist toward the sky in anger, and saying to my guides “The human experience is full of just too much suffering.” I was told don’t be angry at us - every single individual is a part of the god-force and is collectively responsible...

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Living in Simplicity

Twice a year, in the Fall and in the Spring, I play a game called “Moving.” I pretend that I will be moving, and then go through all my stuff to decide what to keep, give away, recycle, or put in the trash. I figure if I wouldn't take certain things to my next...

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Meditate to Clear Away External Chatter

Faulty cultural conditioning is one of our great challenges in the process of learning to actualize our spiritual nature. We all get affected by the bombardment of messages that we receive through media and the current popular ideas or aspirations. This is one of the...

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The Power of Inspiration

People can be taught to feel inspired by experiences that facilitate positive feelings and memories. Like sharing a wonderful day at the beach or delicious smells from the oven at dinner time. However, this process can be a healthy encouragement or an unhealthy...

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You Can’t Have Too Much of a Spiritual Principle

Generosity is not a spiritual principle. How do we know what a spiritual principle is and isn’t? My guides say that we can’t have too much of a spiritual principle. We can’t have too much balance, or too much clarity, or too much love. This is the test of a spiritual...

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Clarity is Our Greatest Protection

I am in the San Francisco bay area at an airport hotel. Last night I was woken up at 3:20am by an 6.0 earthquake. What actually woke me was the noise of everything in my room and the building itself moving. I turned on the light and then watched my room shift back and...

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Bring Your Best Self to Life

Depression is not a disease in the typical sense of the word, but it is dis - ease. I believe it is perfectly logical for any sensitive, smart person without a spiritual perspective in our world to be depressed. Depression and discouragement are really the same thing....

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Life Is A School

Life is a school. Every situation or event contains a lesson for each of us. This is a powerful lesson in itself; for when we approach experience from the perspective that there’s something to be learned, then everything that occurs—however painful, puzzling, or...

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Illuminating Your Consciousness

When we walk into a darkened room, all the furniture, books, lamps, all the details in the room exist, we just can’t see them. When the light is turned on everything becomes clear. Consciousness is the light switch on the wall. The details of life exist, we just can’t...

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Meditate to Go Beyond Preconceived Notions

In my spiritual work and classes, I don’t ask people to have faith. Instead I teach tools for direct spiritual experiences. Having faith in something that you have not experienced or perceived can be confusing or dangerous. Just think of religious wars throughout...

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Supporting Our Spiritual Nature through Ongoing Classes

I will be starting my beginning and on-going classes soon, mid-September. As I start the process of setting them up, I am reflecting on why I have chosen the format of on-going classes, instead of workshops. My guides have said, the two challenges we face that need...

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Let Go and Know

In my meditation this morning I heard, “Let go and know.” This phrase reminded me how we are taught to try to figure things out with our minds alone. Going over details again and again, trying to make sense of a situation, conversation, or rejection. This culturally...

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Waiting for Clarity in Decision Making

Decisions, decisions - Sometimes when I need to make a decision and look out of my third eye or meditate for insight, there just isn’t clarity. As I have observed this experience through the years I’ve become aware that the clarity can’t come, because all the data...

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Find Success In Self-Actualization

What is success? My guides define success as the ability to actualize our spiritual nature. This is easy to say, but not so easy to do in a world where there is a very different definition. Our worldly definition of success focuses on getting ahead of others: more...

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Let the Rest Unfold

I recently had a vision of walking on a winding path through thick woods. I couldn’t see very far ahead: only the next few steps on the path seemed clear. Eventually in my vision I came to a clearing in the woods where I had an expansive view of fields and...

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Unconditional Love is not Unconditional Giving

Unconditional love does not mean unconditional giving. My guides say that unconditional love is always feeling we want the best for others no matter what. This means wanting spiritual growth for everyone, but it does not mean tolerating inappropriate behavior. Balance...

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Appreciation Instead of Gratitude

My guides make a distinction between gratitude and appreciation. They say that appreciation is a spiritual principle while gratitude is not. Gratitude is linked to acquiring, while appreciation is a state of being. When I have expressed this to people, it often...

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Problems are Puzzles

My guides say, “Problems are puzzles begging to be solved.” When I think of a problem as a puzzle my creativity kicks into gear. I become curious and active in what feels like a scavenger hunt. One step brings more knowledge and then the next step presents itself. How...

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Live in Attunement

Where is the line between self-denial and self-indulgence? This is a very interesting question to me. What behavior is selfish and what behavior isn’t considerate enough of our own needs? The answers to these questions are always situational. My guides say, “When you...

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Be Like An Iceberg

Be like an iceberg: majority under the water, minority above the water. When we cultivate a strong inner life, we are not so thrown when our external situation is not to our liking. How do we cultivate a strong inner life? By remembering we are Spirit temporarily on...

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Healing Feelings of Inadequacy through Humility

I once asked a Guide, “How can feelings of inadequacy be healed?” The response was, “through humility.” This answer was such a surprise. Before I heard this message, I thought when someone is feeling inadequate the best approach to helping would be to build them up,...

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The Evolution of Consciousness

In the past, a guide once told me, “Whether the earth survives or not is not the most important thing. Earth is your school - the evolution of consciousness is the most important aspect of life on your planet.” What does the evolution of consciousness mean? I've...

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Cultivate Curiosity

Curiosity is an invigorating and powerful spiritual principle. It can motivate us to discover what is true and it turns life into an adventure stimulated by the desire to learn and experience. Learning transforms adversity from just plain difficult to having...

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The Lesson of Interconnection

Many years ago on a beautiful summer day, I was alone enjoying weeding my flower garden, when a guide gently whispered to me: “The joy you are feeling is touching all of life.” This experience reinforced my understanding that we are all one. Our feelings, thoughts,...

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Inspiration and Connection through a Healthy Crown Chakra

When the crown chakra located at the top of the head is healthy and functioning well, we feel glad to be alive, inspired by many things, and a sense of connection whether we are alone or with others. However, the crown chakra can become diminished or dominant within...

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Cooking and Eating Whole Foods

So many people struggle with weight issues. I have found that eating fresh, whole foods that are nutritionally dense for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is the key to maintaining a healthy weight. This means giving up processed foods and mostly cooking at home. When we...

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The Transformative Possibility of Pain

Today I was thinking about why my guides say, “Pain is the wrecking crew that destroys the old so the new can be built.” It seems to me that when we are suffering we often go deeper and deeper into ourselves getting to the essence of what is important and the essence...

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Be Present, not in the Moment

Many people use the phrase “stay in the moment.” The idea of focusing on the moment is not a favorite concept of mine. I think there is a lot of confusion about what it means to be present versus being in the moment. To me being present is a state of being alert,...

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Use Meditation as a Tool, Not an Avoidance

I was recently tuning into someone who was on morphine after surgery and was surprised to feel that their drug experience felt similar to a fabulous meditation. Both expansive, a feeling of ecstasy, pure positivity with no fear. On reflection, I felt there were a few...

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Finding Foods that Work for You

Many books contradict each other about what constitutes a healthy diet. One says, eat only raw food, another, eat like a hunter and gatherer, vegan is best, eat for your blood type and on and on. What are we to do if we want to be healthy? My perspective is that not...

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Making Clear Judgements

Itʼs not uncommon for people to be afraid to make a judgment call for fear of being judgmental. However, the ability to make a clear judgement is really synonymous with wisdom, while being judgmental is based in the comparison of being better than or less than,...

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How Do You Know When You Know?

How do you know when you know? We have so many voices attempting to influence our decisions and direction. Perhaps good intentioned family and friends and some not so good intentioned corporations or individuals with vested interests. Not only do we have a huge number...

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Embracing Maintenance

I often feel that life in the material world is a “clean, dirty, rot, rust existence.” Life demands a great deal of maintenance from us. We clean our house only to have it get dirty again, we clean our bodies but the clean feeling doesn't last very long, we...

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Accepting Everything

Imagine accepting everything. Accepting what you like, what you donʼt like, accepting yourself and others. Accepting chemicals in a river, financial injustices, diseases in small children, even our worst regrets. My guides say that acceptance is not complacency, but...

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Reconnecting With Spirituality

The word “spirituality” means different things to different people. I define a person involved with spirituality as someone concerned with the spiritual side of life and how knowledge from these other realms affect life in our world. We must develop sensitivities to...

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In the New Year

Newness is a concept with many benefits. Newness is seeing situations and circumstances anew. This way of perception puts us in the moment - we then see something as if for the first time. A stance that lifts us out of the ordinary and allows for growth and change and...

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Bring Your Best Self to Life

I love the Jesus story. From my perspective Jesus was a remarkable man. He was able to remember who he was as spirit and stay emotionally connected to spiritual principles in the midst of being rejected and tortured. In the story, he didn't stay in hurt when he wasn't...

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Interconnection, not Competition

Our fundamental attitudes form the foundation of our approach to life, individually and collectively. As a culture we have been greatly influenced by Darwinʼs view of the survival of the fittest, a philosophy that places an emphasis on competition as a way...

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Enjoy the Material World Without Being Materialistic

My guides define materialism as valuing material things above spiritual principles. I love beautiful things, quality fabrics, houses with nooks and crannies, enough money to feel generous and free to make choices. Enjoying the material world isnʼt materialism,...

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Analyze Your Feelings with Meditation

Emotional repression can be very sneaky. Repression can be used consciously or unconsciously as a self protective mechanism to avoid looking at mistakes or because of not wanting to confront the feelings that come up from honest self examination. My guides say that...

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Listen and Look Deeply to Find Your Path

A spiritually attuned life is a circuitous route, rather than a bee-line to a goal. When we listen deeply and focus deeply in our decision making process the choices we make are not always logical in the short term. This approach I sometimes refer to as following the...

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Growth through Constructive Criticism

Today I reflected on the innumerable times my guides have corrected my thoughts and words, reprimanded me for inappropriate actions, and given me constructive criticisms for the purpose of making me sharply aware and loving, rather then self-sabotaging or...

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We Can Influence, But Not Control Others

What would it be like to not get emotionally hurt, when people are not being the way we would like them to be? How would we relate differently if we weren't wishing others to be just how we want them to be? My guides say, “Emotional hurt is self-imposed, because we...

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Acknowledge What Is to Bring Clarity

There is a great sadness that engulfs our world. It is possible to step out of this sadness into a universal perspective. Embrace that which is given to you for it is your process of evolution. Enter into acceptance and with it will comes a deeper...

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Learn to Love Yourself Through Meditation

When we meditate and get in touch with our inner essence, our spirit, it becomes easy to love ourselves. Our spirit is always good by its very definition and part of the power of meditation is that we can have direct connection to our core. When we make contact with...

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Finetune your Relationships

I always say there are three fundamental questions to ask about a relationship. It doesn't matter whether the relationship is a spouse, a sibling, or a person at work. These questions apply to all relationships. The questions are: What do I want if this relationship...

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Be Both Directive and Receptive

We are a culture that values action above waiting, speaking above listening, and striving above acceptance. All of the preferred qualities are directive or often refereed to as the masculine principles. While nurturing, allowing, and supporting, as well as the...

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Avoid Rushing

One of my favorite phrases from a guide is, “Do whatʼs obvious and let the rest unfold.” Life is a complex interconnected evolution. When we rush to make something happen we can miss the fullness of possibility. The process of rushing and not paying attention to the...

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Dissipating Discouragement and Fear

If happiness is an open crown chakra, what does that actually mean? The crown chakra at the top of the head becomes closed when we feel discouraged, worried, or afraid. To me depression is an extreme state of discouragement. So happiness is actually an absence of...

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There is No One Right Way to Be

I turned on my kitchen radio to listen to NPR while making dinner last night and heard a novelist being interviewed. She recounted the story that had inspired her novel about a situation where she had been unkind and insensitive to the feelings of a girl with a facial...

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Take Time for Spirit

Remember to take time to bask in the force of spirit that is always around us. If we pause throughout the day to connect with the consciousness of oneness - so many concerns will fade away - so many confusions will cease. Feel the emersion of spirit for peace,...

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The Evolution of Truth

Truth is a spiritual principle. The truth is not always pretty, plus it is not always easy to know what the real truth is. If the truth shall make us free, but the truth isnʼt pretty and it is hard to know--what do we do? We must be willing to deal with the inner and...

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Healing Through Repetition

Many years ago I was bit by a dog, quite badly, in my right leg. It took a few weeks before I could walk normally and I needed to take an antibiotic. The most interesting part of the experience was that many months after the event my right leg would shake when around...

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Cravings are Emotional Messages

All craves and addictions are a solar plexus problem: in other words, all craves and addictions have an imbalanced emotional underpinning. Through the years I have been able to energetically pull craves and addictions out of peopleʼs solar plexus chakras in order to...

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Balance Structure and Variety

One way to bring more spontaneity into life is through variety. Variety is the spice of life, because it can be fun and inspiring. Whether it is a vacation, a new kind of food, or a new sweater. However, if we have variety without any repetition or repeated structure...

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Stay Balanced

Who will hold the emotional standard? I so often observe people who are kind and good intentioned but disappointed and in reaction to the environment and the behavior of others. If we are balanced and then react to others who are not, we lose our balance and become...

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We Are Never Alone

We are never alone. Guides and spiritual helpers are around all of us or can get to us at the speed of thought. Therefore we can ask for help in the midst of our human challenges and lessons. Sometimes help will come in a direct form, invisible hands on our shoulders...

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Efforts to Control Disease

My guides say that the three causes of disease are attitudes, our inner and outer environment, which includes genetics, and past life karmic patterns. With effort we ultimately have control over our attitudes, but only partial control over the environmental...

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The All Seeing Eye

The images of both the front side and the reverse side of the Great Seal that Americaʼs founding fathers designed in 1782 can be found on the back of our dollar bill. The reverse side contains the all seeing eye, or what I would call the third eye, and is the Masonic...

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Cultivate Constructive Attitudes

We can feel wonderful or terrible and nothing has changed but the frame of our mind. Everyday we have an enormous number of thoughts, conscious and unconscious, constructive and destructive. Each of these thoughts affects our well being and the quality of our...

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Hone Your Skill of Discernment

How do we discern what is appropriate to manifest and what is not? When we listen deeply in meditation, without preconceived notions, we can access the spirit and so gain clarity. Also when we focus deeply we can access the spirit, the consciousness of the life force,...

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Make Haste Slowly

Taking time to listen can be difficult in modern life. We live in a very fast-paced world. When we move too fast, our experiences and interactions become superficial. Taking the time to listen moves us into a depth of understanding and a clarification of what is and...

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Use Pauses to Refresh and Recharge

My guides say, "The pause between events is where most people get into trouble." In general, we can handle event A and then event B and so on maybe through the alphabet. But what do you do with the space between events? What do you do with your thoughts? What do you...

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The Spirit Within and the Spirit Without

We can receive guidance from the spirit within, the spirit without, and our individual guides. What is the difference? The spirit without is the god force, the oneness, the omnipresent conscious force that is in all things. When we connect with this force through...

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The Limitations of Predictions

Recently I read an article about Sylvia Brown, the famous psychic, which focused on the inaccuracy of many of her predictions and some examples of the negative impact. This commentary reminded me of an interaction with a personal spiritual guide many years ago, when I...

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Reconnect Within Yourself for Inner Stillness

How do we maintain inner stillness? To really know that whatever has transpired is another opportunity to learn and to look at the situation objectively, to feel the stillness as our identity. Then we can look at an interaction, and say “Ah ha, an opportunity to...

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Avoid Extremes: Stay Focused in the Third Eye

“Why is it popular to follow the gut?” As a culture we have a tendency to swing from one extreme to the next. When one solution doesnʼt work, we often try the polar opposite. A good example of this can be found in schools, like teaching to the test, and then...

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Breaking Free from Repetition

As I trace people through their incarnations, watching them move back and forth between the material and spiritual realms, I see that there is a tremendous amount of repetition. I observe people making the same errors over and over again, due to focus on attitudes and...

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No One is Separate or Isolated

I once had a vision of angelic beings in the sky heralding all of humanity into the light. The image reminded me of a medieval painting. In it, masses of people formed a spiral of interconnectedness. As each person moved into light and positivity, they drew all of...

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Distinguish Between the Unique and the Universal

What is universal and what is unique? I often hear about or read about a person who has a personal event and then goes on to make broad generalizations about life and others based on their experience. This can be an imbalanced projection. When I first started working...

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The Presence of Spirit in All Things

If Spirit, the life force, is omnipresent then it exists in the world of inanimate objects we call things. This means that things have consciousness, which in turn means that we can communicate with them. We can ask and listen to rocks, to our favorite hat, to the...

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Actualize Potential

When we are in the Spiritual realm, we communicate in thought, travel with thought, and manifest with thought. While here on earth we need to make a bigger effort. Without telepathy we need to form our words in voice or in writing. Traveling happens on foot, in a car,...

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Lessen Stress Through Acceptance

Stress is the strain of not being able to accomplish what we want to accomplish. Acceptance can eliminate stress. Ask the question, What can I do given the limitations? Ease comes in when we allow the acceptance of what is. Our culture doesn’t emphasize this process....

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Attune Your Mind and Spirit

Attunement is key. Attunement is the ability to bring into accord our conscious mind and our spiritual nature. Which is why meditation is fundamental. We can’t make hard and fast rules about how to be, or how to respond, or even what is right or wrong. What may be...

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Happy New Year

The fact is that every aspect of human life is always in newness, even if our negative habits block our experience and recognition of this. No day really is ever the same as any other day. No person is ever the same from day to day. No view of nature is ever exactly...

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Moving Towards Personal Enlightenment at Christmas

I love the story of Jesus. A story of a man who healed the sick, taught wisdom, and lived an example of a spiritual life. He was not rewarded on earth for his talent, compassion, or hard work, but rather tortured, rejected, and not supported by the very people he...

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The Relationship Between Constant & Situational

What is a spiritual principle? It is a constant. A principle that holds life together. It is always appropriate to be compassionate, wise, loving etc....what we are learning as human beings is the integration of spiritual principles into everyday living. Recognizing...

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Be Like Nature

If you look carefully at nature, you will see that it is not always kind. If you get stuck in thinking that the spiritual way is always kind and gentle you will be misguided. My guides say, “Be like nature, gentle like a zephyr, powerful like a hurricane, steady like...

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Listen to Spirit

We so often are taught to be fair and listen to others, but instead be the one who listens to Spirit. To our own deepest essence and the life force that is omnipresent and communicating all around us. If others are confused and afraid then blending will make us...

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Living Life from the Third Eye

Being human is high maintenance. We have to clean our house, our body, our car, shop, cook, eat, pay bills and manage innumerable challenges, traffic, health, different view points and on and on. Not to mention pesticides, mercury toxicity, wars, financial stress, and...

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Visualize Gold Light

Gold light is a color that enlightened individuals emanate, while white light is the light of pure spirit. When I experience white light I feel oneness without any individual qualities. When I experience gold light I feel oneness and individual expressions of that...

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The Power Within Us

I cannot stress enough the importance of the realization of the power that lies within us. For within each of us there is a generator and just as a generator can create electricity to move things, to bring light, to bring about a multitude of changes, we also have...

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The Difference Between Sympathy and Compassion

When we are sympathetic, good intentions are often present but we become vulnerable to emotional entanglements and sensitive to absorbing other peopleʼs pain and symptoms. These reactions can make us ineffective and confused. In comparison, when we are in a...

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The Key to Self-Esteem

I have found that the key to self-esteem is the separation of identity and behavior. I am spirit, we are all spirit, therefore consistently good in our essence. Our behavior is our ability to manifest our potential at any given time, which is constantly changing and...

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Take Action: Try Movement

Resentment is a barometer telling us we need to make a change. The change can be an attitude change or taking a new action. The third eye can help with discernment. It can be easiest to start with an attitude change. However, if sustaining a more positive perspective...

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Be the Emotional Standard

Strengthen the attitude, “Given what is, what am I to do.” Donʼt expect harmony in the external situation. Be the light, be the emotional standard, instead of looking for it elsewhere. Work to sustain a positive inner environment regardless of circumstance. Be like an...

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Choose Compassion

Compassion is the pinnacle spiritual principle, so inclusive of other principles, such as peace, balance, acceptance, loving quality, openness and positivity. Hold the vision of being compassionate in all circumstances. When we donʼt know what to do in a situation, we...

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Find Inspiration in Your Everyday

Make an inspiration list, see it as a tool. What always inspires you? What sometimes inspires you? Weave inspiration into your everyday, flowers on your table, dancing in the living room to your favorite music, helping children, flying an airplane. The power of...

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Integrate Letting Go Into Everything

Integrating letting go into everything - the more we practice letting go of attachments, the more easily we can stay focused in the third eye, the easier it is to take appropriate action. My guides say, "If there isn't acceptance of where you are, it keeps you there."...

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Focus on Essence in the Midst of Daily Life

Many years ago I was driving up route 91 into beautiful scenic Vermont when my guide gently whispered to me, “If you want to be truly happy, you must learn to love all people.” He did not mean that I should invite everyone home for dinner or even that I should...

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Balancing Between Destiny and Choice

Many people in spiritual circles believe that they can create their own reality, while others believe that our lives are destined. These contradictory philosophies can be quite confusing. My guides say that there is both creative choice and destiny and that some...

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Aim for Growth, not Happiness

The state of openness to the free will choice of others naturally brings us to compassion, out of reaction and into the process of growth. Do not be afraid of the imbalances of others as this is why we've come to the earth, to learn, to see, to actualize. It's...

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Wise Education through the Chakra System

My approach to learning about the chakras was inspired by French child psychologist Jean Piaget. When I was in college I thought I was going to be a child psychologist and when reading Piaget I was inspired to learn that he began his interest and theories about child...

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Back to Basics

My guides say, “When you are having a hard time go back to basics.” The basics they refer to include the disciplines of the body, mind, and spirit. Make sure you get enough sleep, eat well, and get some exercise. Create some order, pay bills, fold laundry, work on a...

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Relationships as Enhancements

Our cultural conditioning emphasizes that we as individuals are not whole or ok if we are not in a partnered relationship. This prevailing social attitude fosters feelings of neediness or sometimes desperation for partnership, as well as creating confused expectations...

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Forming Healthy Synergy

The knowledge from the intellect, the clarity of the third eye, and the feelings from the solar plexus should work together to form a healthy synergy and attuned choices.

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The Heart is a Radiator

I cannot emphasize too much that the heart chakra is the center of love not the center of discernment. Individuals having difficulty making life decisions are often advised to “follow their heart.” Doing so is a problem if a person is focused and operating from...

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I am Spirit

When we cultivate an “I am Spirit” consciousness, a by product becomes comfort with personal power and the throat chakra opens and expands. However, often people are afraid to claim their power because they are afraid of either taking responsibility for or accepting...

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Activating the Third Eye

An open crown chakra without the use of the third eye can actually be dangerous. Like an open trusting child who goes home with a stranger. Without the discernment and wisdom of the third eye, the opened crown chakra will promote trust in life but...

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The “Key to Happiness” Chakra

The “Key to Happiness” Chakra

I call the crown chakra "the key to happiness," for when it is open one experiences expansion and joy. When the crown chakra is open, the feeling that life is good naturally occurs and depression and other painful emotions are alleviated. There exists a sense of trust...

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Death is Not an End

When we remember that we are Spirit and human then it becomes natural to accept that death is a continuation of life. In our culture, death is commonly viewed as an ending, rather than a completion of one phase and the entering into a new chapter of existence. The...

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Spirit and the Human Condition

Some people fall in love with potential. The Spirit is magnificent and simple and can be grasped in a flash. The human self is complicated and has many sides and takes time to know. The human condition has enormous complexity. How many different moods, feelings,...

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Seeing Spirit

Seeing Spirit

Many of us are not aware of Spirit because we have been conditioned not to look for it. In our childhood, we were taught to focus on, identify, and name objects, and to look on the surface at how people appear in the world. What you are conditioned to focus on is what...

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Welcome to my New Website

Hello and thank you for visiting my new website. It has recently been redesigned, with new features and ways to navigate my work.  I will also be posting articles on my journal and will be adding video content soon. As always, please feel free to get in touch with me...

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